Thursday, April 8, 2010

MORE HOWARD DU BOSE PHOTOS: CASHEL, the way of the cross.

Are these the Garza Tomb Raiders? No, just Jennifer & Ashley as tourists in the Rock of Cashel Cemetery.Oh, do not forget Clair!

I told you it was the way of the cross, here are Kathleen & Rebecca next to the cross, as well.

Here I am next to the cross.


Here is Grant next to the cross.

The Rock of Cashel is a natural limestone outcropping that has been used for 1000s of years as a fortress & a religious site. The Sister Fidelma of Cashel books were written about an imaginary nun whose brother was king at Cashel.It is still used as a cemetary for locals, and was a cathedral until Henry 8 did away with monastaries, and suppressed catholics. Crystal is next to the old St Patrick cross.

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