Thursday, April 8, 2010

DAY 5: DUBLIN CITY, a bus tour, then Free Time!

After the tour, including seeing the Book of Kells, we split up into different small tour groups, and went off. Our group, mostly shown here, went on to lunch & the Guinness Brewery tour. Here we are standing next to the statue of Molly Malone. Glad it was a statue, as it looks like she is about to fall out of her top!

Jackson is inspecting the tile floor of the St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin. It is only 120 years old, but is one of the loveliest I have ever seen.

Some of the girls having fun in St. Pat's cathedral.

This is one of the most famous doors in Dublin. It was built especially (extra wide) for King Edward's visit, then Kind Edward (of England) cancelled due to a terrorist scare. Unfortunately, two of our folks are shown here boycotting the photo! It is a pretty door.

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